We use the PoPS Forecasting Management Dashboard and the PoPS Tangible Landscape to conduct formal and informal workshops with stakeholders, gathering feedback on the model and its utility for supporting management decisions. Additionally, the Management Dashboard is a tool to teach students how to create advanced geospatial applications for decision-making.
Below are a few of the workshops and demos from the PoPS team:
USDA APHIS Deputy Administrator Workshop
April 30, 2019
We hosted Dr. Osama El-Lissy, the Deputy Administrator of USDA APHIS, to determine if the PoPS Platform would be useful for the way USDA APHIS makes decisions. Based on this workshop, Dr. El-Lissy invited us to USDA APHIS headquarters in Riverdale, MD to determine pest programs for testing the PoPS Platform.

USDA APHIS Stakeholder Workshop (USDA APHIS Headquarters Riverdale, MD)
June 26, 2019
We brought our PoPS Forecasting Platform USDA Headquarters to give an overview of the platform to the USDA APHIS leadership in Science and technology, Policy, and field operations branches. The goal was to identify one to two pest programs to test the platforms capabilities for decision making with APHIS.

Oregon Department of Forestry Stakeholder Workshop for Managing Sudden Oak Death
September 10, 2019
We brought our PoPS Forecasting Platform and Tangible Landscape to the Oregon Department of Forestry office in Curry County Oregon. This event brought together state level congressional members, mayors, tribal leaders, forest service personnel, Oregon Department of Forestry managers, and academics who all have an interest in managing sudden oak death. The goal of this workshop was to get feedback on model utility, interface developments, and compare two types of interface that work together, PoPS Management Dashboard and PoPS Tangible Landscape for more information on this workshop see Gaydos et. al .